fredag 13. januar 2012


Mannen min og jeg tilbringer alltid nyttårsaften alene. Da ser vi litt på Tv og snakker om året som har gått.
Den beste opplevelsen i 2011 var da vi var 3 døgn i Elafoniisi i sept. vi tilbringer alltid september måned på Kreta og hvert år leier vi bil og kjører rundt noen dager. Morgenfugler som vi er var det ikke en sjel på stranda da vi kom i 9-tiden om morgenen.

My DH and I are always spending the New Years Eve alone, talking about the year  that has gone by.
The very best experience in 2011 was during our yearly stay in Crete. We rented a car and drove from the north coast to the other side of the island and spent 3 nights in Elafoiisi beach.
We stalyes in a small appt. in an olivegarden, and at 9 in the morning we were all alone on the beach. Some of the best 3 days in our lives.

Papers: Bazill and Cosmo cricket
Flowers and bling from: Prima
Fabrics from my own stash

9 kommentarer:

  1. What a beautiful layout! Love how you pinned the journaling !
    Thank you for playing along at OUAS!

  2. Oh, what a beautiful photo, I would so love to be there right now, we had snow this morning!!! This is such a beautiful and soothing page! Thank you for joining us for the challenge at OUAS!!!

  3. What a lovely lo! Great pic too. Tks. for playing along with us at OUAS!

  4. En sånn fin layout. Liker godt åssen du har brukt stoffet og blingen!Fin tolknng av sketchen vår. Takk for at du ville ta vår utfordring på OUAS og lykke till!

  5. Gorgeous layout, just love all of those flowers! Thanks for playing with us at Color Combos Galore :)

  6. Really beautiful. thanks for playing:

  7. Really beautiful page, great picture and so many pretty embellishments.

  8. This is beautiful! Thanks for playing along with us at OUAS! :)

  9. Gorgeous work with the Color Combo Challenge, love the ribbon, flowers and pearls. Thank you for playing with us at Color Combos Galore!!
