Nothing much is happening here, just a bunch of clutter. the spring is finally here - with sunshine and 10degrees celcius. As decorators / housepainters this is the most buzzy part of the year. We will be working outside from now on and until medio November. I am always very tired the first couple of weeks, then my body is back where it shall be.
And I had a wonderful, wonderful Easter at our logcabin in the mountains. I was left in peace - in my chair - with my pneu`monia, my penicillin and my Derwentwater design embrodyry, listening to the radio, we dont have a telli there. My DH did some hard needed work on the property. No one was nagging for skiing or strolling, just PEACE for 7 days LOL
Hooray for spring and working outside! Hope you bounce back into shape quickly! Happy WOYWW #47
SvarSlettReally hope you feel better very soon! How lovely that you had a whole week in your log cabin, you must feel very rested after that! Of course I'll send you part of my tree - will send an ice cream as well!
SvarSlettHugs, LLJ #3 xx
Your desk looks very busy. Sounds wonderful - a whole week with no disturbing at all. Hope you feel much better now. Thanks for sharing and a happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka #11
SvarSlettI hope you are feeling better soon. Being sick doesn't sound to fun, but doing nothing for many days sounded very restful.
SvarSlettHope you feel beter soon xx
Feel better! Sounds like you had a nice Holiday!
SvarSlettMarnie #149
sometimes being sick isn't so bad when everyone leaves you alone. when the kids were little that was the only time i had some peace and quiet. sounds like you had a very restful easter.
SvarSlettHope you are feeling better now. Pneumonia is a difficult disease cause you can't get air in or out. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my desk this week. Have a great week. Vickie @106
SvarSlettIt's good to hear you're feeling better. It sounds like you've been in a very special place to recover.
SvarSlettYour space looks very busy.
Thanks for popping by to visit me.
Have fun with WOYWW ~ Neesie #12
Oh no! Hope you're soon on the mend - do you get much time for crafting with all your work, or are you too tired at the end of the day?
SvarSlettThanks for stopping by.
Morti #4
Yes thats right. I am working just 3 days aweek, and those days I am doing NOTHING after work, maybe just a washingmachine or two.
Slettsounds like you needed a good rest
SvarSletthave a fab crafty week and
happy woyww
kay #70
Hope your week of rest helps to get rid of your rotten pneumonia, so that you can enjoy the rest of the year. Thank you for your visit and have a good restful week. xx Maggie #2
SvarSlettHope the break did you a lot of good and you are feeling much better now. Don't work too hard, it takes a lot of getting over something like you have had.
SvarSlettthanks for sharing and thanks for posting on my blog - Hugs, Neet #10
Thanks for your comment - I'm glad you like my new blog background! Hard work getting it right, but we got there in the end!
SvarSlettSorry to hear how poorly you've been and hope you feel much better soon! Make sure to rest until you're properly over it!! It's great that spring has sprung at last, isn't it.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #18
It sounds as though the rest did you some good and I hope you continue to get better each day before all the hard work starts. Sunshine will help so let's hope we get plenty.
SvarSlettYour desk manages to look creative and not just cluttered.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm so pleased you like my Afghan blanket. I've already made 14 squares for No2!
JoZarty x
Fab pics, and craftiness. Take care, it's Sunday, but I'm still working my way through the list! Zo xx 75
SvarSlettThanks for sharing and I do hope that you get better soon.
SvarSlettEliza #80